Kathleen has lived in the Santa Cruz area for over 20 years and holds a BA in Int’l Studies/Economics and an MS in Management/Organizational Development.
Kathleen teaches Property Management Classes at Cabrillo College for the Do-It-Yourselfers and has been an expert witness for court cases. Check out her short property management video tips on our website and like us on Facebook Portola Property Management.
Kathleen holds the following professional designations:
CCRM(CA Certified Res Mgr) from CAA
MPM & RMP (Master Prop Mgr) & (Res Prop Mgr) from NARPM
Kathleen has held various local and state board positions from Education Chair to President with NARPM since 2007 and continues to be active in the field of Property Management through teaching and writing. Kathleen holds membership in NAR-Nat’l Assoc of Realtors, CAR-CA Assoc of Realtors, SCAOR-Santa Cruz Assoc of Realtors.CAA-CA Apt Assoc., and NARPM-National Assoc of Residential Property Mgrs.
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